
Fresh ingredients cooked simply with less oil, less salt, no MSG, suitable for health conscious busy professionals, families and children.

山药鲍鱼炖鸡汤 Chicken Soup with Chinese Yam and Abalone

(32oz) 选用鲜嫩的鸡肉、软糯的山药和珍贵的鲍鱼慢火炖煮,口感醇厚,汤汁清澈鲜美。山药富含膳食纤维和多种维生素,有助于增强免疫力;鲍鱼富含蛋白质和多种矿物质,有助于滋养身体。此汤具有较高的滋补价值,适合在季节交替时饮用,具有益气,健脾养胃以及润肺等功效。

This is a nutritious and nourishing soup made with tender chicken, yam, and abalone, all slow-cooked to perfection, creating a rich and flavorful broth. Chinese yam is rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, helping to boost immunity, while abalone provides high-quality protein and essential minerals for body nourishment. This soup is an ideal choice during seasonal transitions to provide nourishment to the body.

Allergens: Mollusks (Abalone)

蒜蓉粉丝虾 Garlic Shrimp with Vermicelli

(2-3人份) 超级鲜美的营养餐,此道菜的精华在蒜蓉的调味。新鲜的大虾搭配现剁的蒜蓉,配上月子厨房的特殊调味,让你吃不够!

This dish primarily features fresh shrimp and garlic-infused vermicelli. The succulent shrimp harmonizes perfectly with the garlic-flavored vermicelli, providing a delightful taste.

Allergens: Crustacean Shellfish (Shrimp), Soy, Wheat (in soy sauce)

蘑菇牛肉炒年糕 Stir Fried Rice Cakes With Beef And Mushroom

(2-3 人份)选用口感软糯又有嚼劲的年糕,与鲜嫩多汁的牛肉以及鲜美的蘑菇炒制。牛肉与蘑菇的香气融入年糕之中,使整道菜呈现出色、香、味俱全的诱人风味。口感层次分明,营养均衡,是家常餐桌上广受欢迎的经典美食。

This dish features chewy rice cakes stir-fried with tender, juicy beef and savory mushrooms. The flavors of the beef and mushrooms infuse the rice cakes, creating a delicious and satisfying dish. With its layered texture and balanced nutrition, this classic favorite is a hit on any family dining table.

Allergens: Soy, Wheat

珍珠糯米丸子 Steamed Pearl Meatballs


Made with pork, shrimp, lotus root, these bite-sized balls are wrapped in glistening sticky rice and then steamed. The subtle aroma of the rice intertwines with the savory richness of the filling, creating a layered, mouthwatering taste. Both visually appealing and delicious, they’re a hit with both adults and children.

Allergens: Sesame, Shrimp

姜母鸭 Ginger Duck Stew


Ginger Duck is a traditional dish that warms the body during this changing season. Duck contains high quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, and various minerals, while ginger promotes blood circulation. This is a special dish that you do not want to miss this Fall.

Allergens: Soy, Wheat

Currently delivering to:

Arlington, Allston, Bedford, Belmont, Boston, Brighton, Brookline, Burlington, Cambridge, Dedham, Jamaica Plain, Lexington, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Milton, Natick, Needham, Newton, Quincy, Somerville, Stoneham, Waltham, West Roxbury, Weston, Wellesley, Winchester, Woburn.

请和月子厨房确认送餐区域再下单,谢谢。Please confirm with Moon Kitchen that you are within out delivery zone before placing an order, thank you.

How it works:

  1. 每周三菜单出炉

  2. 周六晚7点前订餐完毕

  3. 次周一至周六送餐

  4. 送餐费用$10(限部分地区)

How it works:

  1. Menus are updated each Wednesday

  2. Ordering closes on Saturday at 7pm

  3. The following week deliveries are made from Monday-Saturday

  4. Delivery cost $10(Limited to certain areas)