蘑菇牛肉炒年糕 Stir Fried Rice Cakes With Beef And Mushroom
(2-3 人份)选用口感软糯又有嚼劲的年糕,与鲜嫩多汁的牛肉以及鲜美的蘑菇炒制。牛肉与蘑菇的香气融入年糕之中,使整道菜呈现出色、香、味俱全的诱人风味。口感层次分明,营养均衡,是家常餐桌上广受欢迎的经典美食。
This dish features chewy rice cakes stir-fried with tender, juicy beef and savory mushrooms. The flavors of the beef and mushrooms infuse the rice cakes, creating a delicious and satisfying dish. With its layered texture and balanced nutrition, this classic favorite is a hit on any family dining table.
Allergens: Soy, Wheat
(2-3 人份)选用口感软糯又有嚼劲的年糕,与鲜嫩多汁的牛肉以及鲜美的蘑菇炒制。牛肉与蘑菇的香气融入年糕之中,使整道菜呈现出色、香、味俱全的诱人风味。口感层次分明,营养均衡,是家常餐桌上广受欢迎的经典美食。
This dish features chewy rice cakes stir-fried with tender, juicy beef and savory mushrooms. The flavors of the beef and mushrooms infuse the rice cakes, creating a delicious and satisfying dish. With its layered texture and balanced nutrition, this classic favorite is a hit on any family dining table.
Allergens: Soy, Wheat
(2-3 人份)选用口感软糯又有嚼劲的年糕,与鲜嫩多汁的牛肉以及鲜美的蘑菇炒制。牛肉与蘑菇的香气融入年糕之中,使整道菜呈现出色、香、味俱全的诱人风味。口感层次分明,营养均衡,是家常餐桌上广受欢迎的经典美食。
This dish features chewy rice cakes stir-fried with tender, juicy beef and savory mushrooms. The flavors of the beef and mushrooms infuse the rice cakes, creating a delicious and satisfying dish. With its layered texture and balanced nutrition, this classic favorite is a hit on any family dining table.
Allergens: Soy, Wheat